Typical range for Dimitri's AM wake-up time: 6:30 to 7:15 AM
Times per week that I silently plead with Dimitri to go back to sleep when he wakes up in the morning: 5
Typical time for Dimitri’s mid-morning nap: 9:20 AM
Average length of Dimitri’s mid-morning nap: 35 minutes
Average length of my mid-morning nap: 20 minutes
Number of times per week I am startled awake from my mid-morning nap by raucous laughter on Kathie Lee and Hoda: 4 (Don't judge, people; they're the best thing on TV at 10:00 AM.)
Typical time for Dimitri’s late morning nap: 11:45 AM
Average length of Dimitri’s late morning nap: 25 minutes
Keep it down, ladies...I'm trying to sleep! |
Typical time for Dimitri’s mid-afternoon nap: 2:10 PM
Average length of Dimitri’s mid-afternoon nap: 20 minutes
Number of times per week that my stupid dogs wake Dimitri up by barking at an imaginary foe in the front yard: 6
Number of times per week that I curse and throw things at my stupid dogs: 6
Typical range for Dimitri’s PM bedtime: 7:30 to 8:30 PM
Average length of time it takes to get Dimitri to fall asleep for the night: 25 minutes
Typical bedtime for Thomai: 10:00 PM
Typical bedtime for Thomai on the nights that I watch wrestling on TV: 8:30 PM
Usual bedtime for me: 1:00 AM
Typical times for Dimitri’s nighttime feedings: 1:30 AM and/or 4:00 AM
Number of dreams I have per week about being back in college and being unprepared for an exam: 3
Okay, it might be a slight exaggeration to say that I have those freaky college dreams three times per week. But they are a relatively frequent occurrence and while I can’t say for sure that my tendency to drink copious amounts of caffeinated pop before bed, I also suspect that my subconscious may be waxing philosophical a bit regarding the insecurities I have surrounding my efforts as a stay-at-home dad. No big deal, though. Much like the dude in my college dreams...I’m still learning.
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